Your BR Dashboard allows you to add and remove photos from the Image Gallery section of your BR Directory Profile page. Below are the steps to follow:


Gallery Slider Images

Add Photos to BR Profile Gallery Section

1.Log in to your BR Vendor Dashboard.


2. Click on the Manage Listing option from the menu items.

BR Manage Listings Section of dashboard

3. Click on the Edit Icon which will then lead you to the Edit Listing page.


4. Scroll down until you reach the Upload Images section of the dashboard.

5. Click on the Drag & Drop to upload new photos from your local device.


Reorder, Set as featured and delete gallery photos

6. Each of your uploaded gallery images will show 3 icons on the top right section.

BR manage listing - gallery images - reorder

7. Use the 4-arrows icon to reorder the photos in your gallery slider.

8. Use the Gear icon to sent an image as featured. The featured image will then appear as the primary image in your WD directory pages.

9. Use the Cross icon to delete photos from your gallery slider images.

10. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit the Submit button to save the changes.


Add, Update Logo / Photographer Profile Photo

1.Log in to your BR Vendor Dashboard.

2. Click on the Edit Profile section from the menu items.

3. Click on the Upload Image button and select photo from your local device. The dimension requirements for the image are a minimum of 400×400 pixels.

BR edit profile -logo profile photo

4. Click on the Submit button to save the changes.


Important Links

Article Feature: How to submit text and Photo

Article feature: Text and Photo Requirements

Directory Profile: Add Remove Gallery Photos

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